The 4th/5th January storm dealt the Waterways boardwalk a devastating blow. The Trail Committee is now desperate for funds to cover the $20,000 cost of materials and machine hire required for the repair. The considerable labour involved has been supplied at no cost. The usual Trail Committee suspects set aside all other commitments immediately after the storm and together with a large number of enthusiastic and hard working local volunteers set to work. Within 5 days the boardwalk was temporarily fixed to the point it could be used. Previous repairs have generally held up well. The high tide, storm surge and large waves caused by strong winds proved too much, however, for some of the original structure. At least 30 new blade piles, with extensions will be driven in deeper than before. These piles should withstand even the tremendous pressure generated by the recent combination of adverse weather and tide conditions. We are looking for donations which might, for example, cover the cost of a blade pile (30 required at $500 each), a bearer (6 required at $100 each) or a wooden pile (8 required at $50 each). But any donation will be gratefully received. Donations should be paid to the Hikuai District Trust (a registered charity). On line (or banked) to account number: 03 0458 0277108 00, or Posted to the Trust’s treasurer Bill Witt, P.O. Box 97, Pauanui 3546 Requests for a receipt can be emailed to Bill: [email protected] Fixed
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